He is born this Christmas Day,
Hear the rings and the bagpipes playing.
He is born this Christmas Day,
Christ is born, the angels sing.
He is born, our heavenly King
Hear the bells and the cymbals ringing.
He is born, our heavenly King,
Christ is born, the angels sing.
Mi’kmaw lyrics
Kisuk naji mittukwalnek
Lo’q wleye’n Niskam mijua’ji’j
Kisuk naji mittukwalnek
Msit koqoe’l pajiji ksalnek
Wa’so’q tetli mkite’lmulek
Wuleye’n Niskam mijua’ji’j
Waso’q tetli mkite’lmulek,
Kji-Niskam ewlite’lmulek
(Repeat Chorus)
Il est né le divin enfant is a traditional French Christmas Cantique (maybe define) that is known in English as He is Born, The Divine Child. Here it is sung by the Mi’kmawey School choir in Potlotek (Chapel Island) as part of their Christmas celebration.
This video was recorded in December, 1981, at the Mi’kmawey School in Potlotek.
Watch the Mi’kmawey School choir perform another song from this Christmas celebration here.
Il Est Né Le Divin Enfant, 1981. Mi’kmawey School choir. FT-2(8a). Beaton Institute, Cape Breton University.
Mi’kmawey School Choir
Il Est Né Le Divin Enfant [Video]
Today we are going to visit you
Blessed are you God, the child
Today we are going to visit you
We love you above all
In heaven we praise you
Blessed are you God, the child
In heaven we praise you
Creator, we adore you
- Potlotek Official Website
- Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey/Education
- Atlantic Canada’s First Nation Help Desk
- Beaton Institute: Ethnocultural Resources Inventory
- Micmac News (1965-1991)
- Mi’kmaq Association for Cultural Studies
- Mi’kmaq College Institute
- Mi’kmaq Resource Centre
- Native Dance: Mi’kmaq
- NSARM: Mi’kmaq Holdings Resource Guide
- Welta’q – “It Sounds Good”: Historic Recordings of the Mi’kmaq