Isle Royale, 1744. N. Bellin. Map 711. Beaton Institute, Cape Breton University
The story of Cape Breton Island’s musical heritage is rich and diverse, and exists as a unique contribution to the Canadian cultural landscape. The history of Cape Breton, like many communities in Canada, can be explored through its distinct musical traditions. The intention of this virtual exhibit is to illustrate the richness of diversity and the unifying role that music has played, and continues to play, in our lives.
Here we present to you a sample of the Beaton Institute’s archival holdings featuring songs and photographs from Cape Breton Island’s Mi’kmaq, Acadian, Gaelic, and coal mining communities. Each of these vibrant song traditions reflects the diversity of stories, languages, cultural perspectives, and more. However, there is evidence of unity within this diversity, through shared characteristics, geography, the role of tradition bearers, relationships to the land, stories of immigration and struggle, folklore and history.
Over 100 exceptional and rarely heard recordings from a variety of formats are made available along with valuable supplementary and educational materials such as song histories, lyrics and images. In preserving and sharing these archival recordings, it is our hope that these songs will inspire future generations of music-makers, collectors, students, educators and lifelong learners.
Ultimately, making our musical heritage accessible to future generations will serve to keep our traditions alive and help provide an example of diverse groups exploring and retaining unity through music.
By Tradition
- Adieu, Papa Lucy Doucet
- Allons Danser, Lanture Lucy Doucet
- Au Chant De L’Alouette Petit-de-Grat Church Choir
- Ave Maris Stella Petit-de-Grat Church Choir
- Belle Alouette Grise Petit-de-Grat Church Choir
- Belle Nanon Joseph Larade
- C’est Une Bouteille De Rhum Leo à Pat Aucoin
- Cécilia La Foulerie
- De Paris À Rochelle Leo à Pat Aucoin
- Dessus La Fougere Rev. Charles Aucoin
- En Roulant Ma Boule La Foulerie
- En Vous R’Merciant Joe Delaney
- En Vous R’Merciant Pat Aucoin
- Fleur D’Épine Lucy Doucet
- Joli Coeur Du Rosier Hélène Landry
- Joséphine Joseph Larade
- L’Escaouette Marie Deveaux
- L’Escaouette Pat Aucoin
- L’Étoile Du Nord Lucy Doucet
- La Vie Au Cachots Joseph Larade
- Le Bonhomme Gautier Hélène Landry
- Le Couteau Volé Joseph Larade
- Le Joli Petit Panier Pat Aucoin
- Le Rosier Blanc Marie Deveaux
- Mon Père A Fait Bâtir Maison Marie Deveaux
- O Réveil De L’Exilé Petit-de-Grat Church Choir
- Partons La Mer Est Belle Petit-de-Grat Church Choir
- Rosette Lucy Doucet
- Venez Jeunes Gens Lucy Doucet
- Wing Tra La Lucy Doucet
- Fiddle Selections (Jimmy Paul) [Video] Jimmy Googoo
- Fiddle Selections (Lee Cremo) Lee Cremo
- Fiddle selections (Wilfred Prosper) Wilfred Prosper
- God Save The Queen Harriet Denny Annie Cremo
- I Am An Indian On This Land [Video] Rita Joe
- I’ko (Michael Paul) Michael Paul
- I’ko (Sarah Denny) Sarah Denny
- Il Est Né Le Divin Enfant [Video] Mi’kmawey School Choir
- Kepmite’tmnej, Mi’kmaw Honour Song [Video] Dancing Eagles Drum Group
- Ko’jua – Jukwa’lu’k Kwe’ji’ju’ow Lee Cremo
- Ko’jua – Jukwa’lu’k Kwe’ji’ju’ow [Video 1] Lee Cremo
- Ko’jua – Jukwa’lu’k Kwe’ji’ju’ow [Video 2] Lee Cremo
- Ko’jua (Grand Entry) Noel P. Denny
- Ko’jua (Lee Cremo) [Video] Lee Cremo
- Ko’jua (Noel Denny) Noel P. Denny
- Ko’jua (Noel Marshall) [Video] Noel Marshall
- Kulein Unknown Singer
- Kwa’nu’te’ [Video] Sarah Denny
- Kyrie Noel P. Denny
- Mi’kmaq Lament For The Dead [Video] Rita Joe
- O’ Come All Ye Faithful [Video] Mi’kmawey School Choir
- Offertory Wilfred Prosper
- Paddy On The Turnpike Lee Cremo
- Pange Lingua Noel P. Denny
- The Oka Song [Video] Rita Joe
- Timothy Ryan’s Reel Lee Cremo
- Two Roads [Video] Rita Joe
- Wapikatji’j Sarah Denny
- ‘Illean Bithibh Sunndach The Grand Mira Gaelic Chorus
- A Fhleasgaich Uasail Bessie MacEachern
- A’ Mhairi Bhoidheach Sandra MacNeil
- An Innis Àigh Raylene Rankin
- Canada A Thìr An Àigh Neil MacDonald
- Creach Na Samhna Angus MacLellan
- Cumha Mary Margaret Maclean
- Daolagan Cholarado Donald John MacDermaid
- Dh’Òlainn Deoch À Làimh Mo Rùin Dan Kennie Macleod Malcolm Angus MacLeod
- Dhè Bhetel Tommy ‘Peigi’ MacDonald
- Eilean Gorm Nam Beanntan Àrd Bessie MacEachern
- Fuadach Nan Gàidheal Ross MacDonald
- Ged A Sheòl Mi Air M’Aineol The North Shore Gaelic Singers
- Làithean Sona M’Òige Dan Alex MacDonald
- Mo Nighean Dubh Finlay Cameron
- Mo Rìbhinn Choibhneil Kay MacDonald
- Moch ‘Sa Mhadainn Rinn Mi Gluasad Lauchie MacLellan
- Nighean Donn A Chuil Reidh Jimmy Gillis
- Och Ho Rò, ‘Ille Dhuinn Lauchie Gillis
- Òganaich An Òr-Fhuilt Bhuidhe Lauchie Gillis
- Òran An Dèididh Kenneth Morrison
- Òran Do Cheap Breatainn Malcolm R. MacLeod
- Òran Nam Fasan Alec Goldie
- Òran Nam Mocaisean Jim Charlie MacNeil
- Poit-Dhubh MhicFhraing Angus MacLellan
- Puirt-A-Beul Unknown Singer
- Rinn Mi Còrr Is Naoi Mìle Dan MacNeil
- Tha Mi Sgìth On Tìm Seo ‘N Dè Finlay Cameron Joe Lawrence MacDonald
- Tha Mo Rùn Air A’ Ghille Sandy Campbell
- Tuireadh Nan Hiortach Malcolm Angus MacLeod
- ‘S E Ceap Breatainn/Down Deep In A Coal Mine The Men of the Deeps
- A Miner’s Life [Video] The Men of the Deeps
- Aftermath [Video] Al Provoe
- Billy, Come With Me The Men of the Deeps
- Coal Mining Days Archie MacInnis
- Coal Town Road The Men of the Deeps
- George Alfred Beckett Amby Thomas
- Jolly Wee Miner Men The Men of the Deeps
- Kelly’s Cove The Men of the Deeps
- Little Pinkie Engine The Men of the Deeps
- Miners’ Memorial Hymn The Men of the Deeps
- New Aberdeen Government Store Amby Thomas
- New Waterford’s Fatal Day Amby Thomas
- Òran A’ Mhèinneadair Dan MacNeil
- Plain Ole Miner Boy Willie Odo
- Remember The Miner Unknown Singer
- She Loves Her Miner Lad The Men of the Deeps
- The Ballad of JB McLachlan Charlie MacKinnon
- The Cape Breton Coal Miners The Men of the Deeps
- The Coal By The Sea [Video] The Men of the Deeps
- The Honest Working Man Charlie MacKinnon
- The Pluck Me Store The Men of the Deeps
- When I First Went To Caledonia Amby Thomas
- When You’re Done Loading Coal Charlie MacKinnon
- Who Are They? Al Provoe
- Working Man [Video] The Men of the Deeps
Songs By Artist
Al Provoe
Aftermath [Video] Who Are They? -
Alec Goldie
Òran Nam Fasan -
Amby Thomas
George Alfred Beckett New Aberdeen Government Store New Waterford’s Fatal Day When I First Went To Caledonia -
Angus MacLellan
Creach Na Samhna Poit-Dhubh MhicFhraing -
Annie Cremo
God Save The Queen -
Archie MacInnis
Coal Mining Days -
Bessie MacEachern
A Fhleasgaich Uasail Eilean Gorm Nam Beanntan Àrd -
Catherine Patterson
Charlie MacKinnon
The Ballad of JB McLachlan The Honest Working Man When You’re Done Loading Coal -
Dan Alex MacDonald
Làithean Sona M’Òige -
Dan Kennie Macleod
Dh’Òlainn Deoch À Làimh Mo Rùin -
Dan MacNeil
Òran A’ Mhèinneadair Rinn Mi Còrr Is Naoi Mìle -
Dancing Eagles Drum Group
Kepmite’tmnej, Mi’kmaw Honour Song [Video] -
Donald John MacDermaid
Daolagan Cholarado -
Finlay Cameron
Mo Nighean Dubh Tha Mi Sgìth On Tìm Seo ‘N Dè -
Harriet Denny
God Save The Queen -
Hélène Landry
Joli Coeur Du Rosier Le Bonhomme Gautier -
Jim Charlie MacNeil
Òran Nam Mocaisean -
Jimmy Gillis
Nighean Donn A Chuil Reidh -
Jimmy Googoo
Fiddle Selections (Jimmy Paul) [Video] -
Joe Delaney
En Vous R’Merciant -
Joe Lawrence MacDonald
Tha Mi Sgìth On Tìm Seo ‘N Dè -
Joseph Larade
Belle Nanon Joséphine La Vie Au Cachots Le Couteau Volé -
Kay MacDonald
Mo Rìbhinn Choibhneil -
Kenneth Morrison
Òran An Dèididh -
La Foulerie
Cécilia En Roulant Ma Boule -
Lauchie Gillis
Och Ho Rò, ‘Ille Dhuinn Òganaich An Òr-Fhuilt Bhuidhe -
Lauchie MacLellan
Moch ‘Sa Mhadainn Rinn Mi Gluasad -
Lee Cremo
Fiddle Selections (Lee Cremo) Ko’jua – Jukwa’lu’k Kwe’ji’ju’ow Ko’jua – Jukwa’lu’k Kwe’ji’ju’ow [Video 1] Ko’jua – Jukwa’lu’k Kwe’ji’ju’ow [Video 2] Ko’jua (Lee Cremo) [Video] Paddy On The Turnpike Timothy Ryan’s Reel -
Leo à Pat Aucoin
C’est Une Bouteille De Rhum De Paris À Rochelle -
Lucy Doucet
Adieu, Papa Allons Danser, Lanture Fleur D’Épine L’Étoile Du Nord Rosette Venez Jeunes Gens Wing Tra La -
Malcolm Angus MacLeod
Dh’Òlainn Deoch À Làimh Mo Rùin Tuireadh Nan Hiortach -
Malcolm R. MacLeod
Òran Do Cheap Breatainn -
Marie Deveaux
L’Escaouette Le Rosier Blanc Mon Père A Fait Bâtir Maison -
Mary Margaret Maclean
Cumha -
Mi’kmawey School Choir
Il Est Né Le Divin Enfant [Video] O’ Come All Ye Faithful [Video] -
Michael Paul
I’ko (Michael Paul) -
Neil MacDonald
Canada A Thìr An Àigh -
Noel Marshall
Ko’jua (Noel Marshall) [Video] -
Noel P. Denny
Ko’jua (Grand Entry) Ko’jua (Noel Denny) Kyrie Pange Lingua -
Pat Aucoin
En Vous R’Merciant L’Escaouette Le Joli Petit Panier -
Petit-de-Grat Church Choir
Au Chant De L’Alouette Ave Maris Stella Belle Alouette Grise O Réveil De L’Exilé Partons La Mer Est Belle -
Raylene Rankin
An Innis Àigh -
Rev. Charles Aucoin
Dessus La Fougere -
Rita Joe
I Am An Indian On This Land [Video] Mi’kmaq Lament For The Dead [Video] The Oka Song [Video] Two Roads [Video] -
Ross MacDonald
Fuadach Nan Gàidheal -
Sandra MacNeil
A’ Mhairi Bhoidheach -
Sandy Campbell
Tha Mo Rùn Air A’ Ghille -
Sarah Denny
I’ko (Sarah Denny) Kwa’nu’te’ [Video] Wapikatji’j -
The Grand Mira Gaelic Chorus
‘Illean Bithibh Sunndach -
The Men of the Deeps
‘S E Ceap Breatainn/Down Deep In A Coal Mine A Miner’s Life [Video] Billy, Come With Me Coal Town Road Jolly Wee Miner Men Kelly’s Cove Little Pinkie Engine Miners’ Memorial Hymn She Loves Her Miner Lad The Cape Breton Coal Miners The Coal By The Sea [Video] The Pluck Me Store Working Man [Video] -
The North Shore Gaelic Singers
Ged A Sheòl Mi Air M’Aineol -
Tommy ‘Peigi’ MacDonald
Dhè Bhetel -
Unknown Singer
Kulein Puirt-A-Beul Remember The Miner -
Wilfred Prosper
Fiddle selections (Wilfred Prosper) Offertory -
Willie Odo
Plain Ole Miner Boy